Intro: Belgium


Being from The Netherlands, Belgium together with Germany are the two countries that are usually the first countries to visit when you go abroad. Belgium is roughly the size of The Netherlands - but that's as far as similarities are concerned.

First of all, what strikes one first is the split in the country as far as language is concerned - the French speaking and the Dutch speaking (or Vlamish, as the Belgiums prefer to name it). This dualism has the country in its grip for centuries and lots of its political decisions and turmoil have to do (in)directly with it. Unfortunately for Belgium, in these days of global terrorism, global warming and other very international matters, the country has lost a lot of its credibility as far as priorities are concerned.

The Belgiums themselves are quite a laid-back type of people, enjoying their lifes while drinking a good beer. Beautiful towns like Gent and Brugge attract a lot of tourists - and The Ardennen are good for hiking.

Hopefully Belgium will get it right one day - and will overcome its language issues. In the meantime it is a pleasant country to visit - even though sometimes one will refuse to help you in either the French or Dutch language (depending where you are...).

Klik voor de Nederlandse taal © copyright on all pictures by Rick Versteegh. No picture or image may be copied, printed or reproduced without written permission